Saturday, August 7, 2010

Almost all immigration-related polygraph exams nationwide are requested through Polygraph Examiners of America!

Almost all immigration-related polygraph exams nationwide are requested through PEOA!

When attorneys need immigration credibility assessment polygraph exams for their client's federal hearings (applicants bear the burden of proving their case to the judge or hearing officer), these federal personnel are typically very accepting of properly-prepared polygraph examination reports as our federal government is the world's biggest user of polygraph itself. PEOA's extensive nationwide public-awareness promotion of using lie-detection testing to prove an applicant's pleading is so thorough that virtually all such contacts are made through PEOA's many sites.

Need Immigration Credibility Assessment polygraph training? offers EXHAUSTIVE training in this lucrative specialty, led by John Grogan's, the foremost authority on immigration & asylum lie-detection. One-day seminars and at-home study material are both available.