Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Reality TV show needs two polygraph examiners in the Los Angeles or Burbank area

 Reality TV show needs two polygraph examiners in the Los Angeles or Burbank area


Phoenix polygraph examiner needed

 Phoenix polygraph examiner needed

Our Internet coverage is so successful that we are receiving more requests for same-day polygraph exams in Phoenix than can be promptly handled.

If you are a competent examiner, have a polygraph business, and can promptly handle polygraph test referrals, contact

Working analog polygraph instruments available for rent for film

 Working analog polygraph instruments available for rent for film

In most cases, you will need an examiner to operate them; also available. and

This polygraph blog has had 183,000 views

 This polygraph blog has had 183,000 views

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Analog instrument needed for film project in NYC, and an examiner to operate it off-camera

  Analog instrument needed for film project in NYC, and an examiner to operate it off-camera

818 883-6969

San Jose CA polygraph examiner needed

 San Jose CA polygraph examiner needed

We are receiving more same-day polygraph requests than can be promptly handled.

If you are a competent examiner, have a polygraph business, and can promptly handle referrals, contact

Thursday, November 16, 2023

If you are a polygraph examiner with little work, we can help you improve that quickly

 If you are a polygraph examiner with little work, we can help you improve that quickly

Arizona polygraph examiner needed

Arizona polygraph examiner needed

Our powerful Internet coverage is bringing more same-day polygraph tests in Arizona (usually Phoenix and Tucson) than can currently be handled.

If you are a competent examiner, have a polygraph business, and can promptly handle polygraph test referrals, contact

Wisconsin polygraph examiner needed

Wisconsin polygraph examiner needed

Our powerful Internet coverage is bringing more same-day polygraph tests in Wisconsin (usually Milwaukee) than can currently be handled.

If you are a competent examiner, have a polygraph business, and can promptly handle polygraph test referrals, contact

Hawaii polygraph examiner needed

 Hawaii polygraph examiner needed

Our powerful Internet coverage is bringing more same-day polygraph tests in Hawaii (usually Honolulu or Maui) than can currently be handled.

If you are a competent examiner, have a polygraph business, and can promptly handle polygraph test referrals, contact

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Lie Detector Lady on LinkedIn

Lie Detector Lady on LinkedIn:

You can visit her mail page at

Polygraph Innocence Project pro-bono testing: ONLY if requested through established & verified innocence project entities

Polygraph Innocence Project pro-bono testing: ONLY if requested through established & verified innocence project entities

Analog instrument needed for film project in Burbank CA, and an examiner to operate it off-camera

 Analog instrument needed for film project in Burbank CA, and an examiner to operate it off-camera

Lie Detector Lady on TikTok

Lie Detector Lady on TikTok:

Lie Detector Lady on Instagram

 Lie Detector Lady on Instagram:

Also visit

Lie Detector Lady on YouTube

Lie Detector Lady on YouTube: 


And webpage at

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Los Angeles polygraph examiner with working analog instrument needed for a filmed reenactment documentary of a high-profile crime of a few decades ago

 Los Angeles polygraph examiner with working analog instrument needed for a filmed reenactment documentary of a high-profile crime of a few decades ago


Saturday, October 28, 2023

Kansas City Kansas polygraph examiner needed by a law firm for a client test

 Kansas City Kansas polygraph examiner needed by a law firm for a client test

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Sunday, October 15, 2023

With more film crews asking for polygraph testing on reality tv shows, we have a website for that

 With more film crews asking for polygraph testing on reality tv shows, we have a website for that:

A starter webpage is up; more to follow.

Reality TV polygraph

Reality TV lie detector

Polygraph test on reality TV

Lie detector test on reality TV

Reality TV

Lie Detector Guy

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Polygraph test in Los Angeles $145 Since 1988

 Polygraph test in Los Angeles $145 Since 1988

By TV's 'Lie Detector Guy'  818 883-6969 7 days a week

Saturday, October 7, 2023

A lie detector test in Los Angeles lets the client provide up to 4 questions for the testing

 A lie detector test in Los Angeles lets the client provide up to 4 questions for the testing. It measures microscopic changes to the body at multiple points with each answer. Under $159 for most tests. See for more information. Since 1988, 818 883-6969

This polygraph blog has more than 177,000 views

 This polygraph blog has had more than 177,000 views.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Polygraph seminars available, and 26 states have no state polygraph licensing at all (see the list)!

 Polygraph seminars available, and 26 states have no state polygraph licensing at all!

Start or improve your polygraph business today.

Here are the states that have no state licensing of polygraph: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, DC, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Washington state, Washington DC, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

This polygraph blog has had more than 151,000 views

 This polygraph blog has had more than 151,000 views

Polygraph training: one-day polygraph specialty modules in Los Angeles in 4th quarter 2023

  Polygraph training: one-day polygraph specialty modules in Los Angeles in 4th quarter 2023

Most popular:
--Basics & Fundaments
--The BUSINESS of polygraph
--Stop being invisible to potential clients

Friday, September 8, 2023

This polygraph blog has had 149,000 views

 This polygraph blog has had 149,000 views

Monday, August 21, 2023

We buy used computer polygraph instruments

 We buy used computer polygraph instruments

This polygraph blog has had 134,000 views

  This polygraph blog has had 134,000 views

One more Atlanta polygraph examiner needed to handle referrals

  One more Atlanta polygraph examiner needed to handle referrals

Thanks to our excellent Internet coverage, we are bringinging in more requests for same-day polygraph tests in Atlanta Georgia

If you are a competent examiner, have a polygraph business, and can promptly handle referrals, contact

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Monday, August 14, 2023

Atlanta polygraph examiner needed

 Atlanta polygraph examiner needed to handle referrals

Thanks to our excellent Internet coverage, we are bringinging in more requests for same-day polygraph tests in Atlanta Georgia

If you are a competent examiner, have a polygraph business, and can promptly handle referrals, contact

This polygraph blog has had 133,000 views

 This polygraph blog has had 133,000 views

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Modesto polygraph examiner needed

 Modesto polygraph examiner needed

Our well-planned Internet coverage is bringing more requests for same-day polygraph tests in Modesto California than can cuttently be promptly handled.

If you are a competent examiner, have a polygraph business, and can promptly handle referrals, contact

Friday, July 28, 2023

Monday, July 17, 2023

Hot weather polygraph test issues with graphics

 Hot weather polygraph test issues

Some people are showing up for tests dehydrated and not knowing it.

The examiner doesn't know it until ready to start the test, and sees to activity at the eda/gsr (usually a green line).

Sadly, some examiners are administering the test as-is, instead of properly correcting it by drinking a lot of water, then 30 minutes later begin the test, now that the moisture has left the stomach and made it to the extremities (fingertips). The shortcut of instead using ekg stickers at the palm of the hand, if it does detect some eda/gsr, is less reliable than the correct method.

Analogy: like a car without gas cannot get a speeding ticket, an examinee without proper moisture can not have a sizeable deception reaction. Many false-pass results come from lack of eda/gsr.

Worse, some amateur examiners are telling people not to worry about drinking water before the test, adding to the problem.

Example of no eda/gsr (dehydrated):

Example of proper eda/gsr (properly hydrated):

Shared by of Los Angeles, 818 883-6969, TV's 'Lie Detector Guy, Since 1988

This polygraph blog has had 132,000 visits:

Monday, July 10, 2023

Tacoma WA polygraph examiner needed to handle referrals

 Tacoma WA polygraph examiner needed to handle referrals

Our strong Internet presence is bringing more requests for same-day polygraph requests in Tacoma than can be promptly handled.

If you are a competent examiner, have a polygraph business, and can promptly handle referrals, contact

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Monday, July 3, 2023

The July/August 2023 Polygraph Continuing Education topics are:

 The July/August 2023 Polygraph Continuing Education topics are:

--Thorough Refresher Of Key Polygraph Basics

--Immigration Use Of Polygraph

--Business Ethics Regarding Polygraph Advertising

--Polygraph Instrument Manufacturer Updates

--Advantage of Using Sacrifice Relevant Questions

--Accuracy Levels Of TV And Social Media Tests


PCSOT examiners in California needed for PCSOT referrals

 PCSOT examiners in California needed for PCSOT referrals

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Spokane WA polygraph examiner needed to handle same-day referrals

 Spokane WA polygraph examiner needed to handle same-day referrals

Our strong Internet coverage is bringing more requests for same-day polygraph tests in Spokane Washington than can be currently handled.

If you are a competent examiner, have a polygraph business, and can handle same-day requests for Spokane polygraph tests, please contact

Santa Cruz (central coast) CA polygraph examiner needed to handle same-day referrals

 Santa Cruz CA polygraph examiner needed to handle same-day referrals

Our strong Internet coverage is bringing more requests for same-day polygraph tests in Santa Cruz California than can be currently handled.

If you are a competent examiner, have a polygraph business, and can handle same-day requests for Santa Cruz polygraph tests, please contact

Santa Barbara CA area polygraph examiner needed to handle same-day referrals

Santa Barbara polygraph examiner needed to handle same-day referrals

Our strong Internet coverage is bringing more requests for same-day polygraph tests in Santa Barbara California than can currently be handled.

If you are a competent examiner, have a polygraph business, and can handle same-day requests for Santa Barbara polygraph tests, please contact

A 310 area code man is calling examiners asking to pay $500 extra for a 'guaranteed pass'

 A 310 area code man is calling examiners asking to pay $500 extra for a 'guaranteed pass'

Good examiners have told him that such a discussion is an ethics violation and hanging up on him.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Modesto polygraph examiner needed to handle same-day referrals

 Modesto polygraph examiner needed to handle same-day referrals

Our strong Internet coverage is bringing more requests for same-day polygraph tests in Modesto California than can be currently handled.

If you are a competent examiner, have a polygraph business, and can handle same-day requests for Modesto polygraph tests, please contact

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Milwaukee polygraph examiner needed for referrals

 Milwaukee polygraph examiner needed for referrals

PEOA is receiving more requests for same-day polygraph tests in Milwaukee and surrounding areas than can be currently handled.

If you are a competent examiner, have a polygraph business, and can promptly handle referrals, contact

Friday, June 23, 2023

This polygraph blog has had 127,000 views

 This polygraph blog has had 127,000 views

Do you have a used computerized polygraph instrument for sale?

 Do you have a used computerized polygraph instrument for sale?

Used instruments needed.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

This polygraph blog has had 124,000 views

July and August: Polygraph Continuing Education in Los Angeles area

 July and August: Polygraph Continuing Education in Los Angeles area


Tuesday, June 13, 2023

This polygraph blog has had 122,000 views

This polygraph blog has had 122,000 views

An 818 area code person calling examiners, offering $2000 for false-pass polygraph results

 An 818 area code person calling examiners, offering $2000 for false-pass polygraph results

Polygraph examiners are ignoring him.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Film crew in NYC needs a polygraph examiner and instrument

Film crew in NYC needs a polygraph examiner and instrument

Used computerized polygraph instruments needed

 Used computerized polygraph instruments needed

818 883-6969

Thursday, June 8, 2023

This polygraph blog has had 117,000 views

 This polygraph blog has had 117,000 views

Monday, June 5, 2023

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Polygraph CE this summer: Refresher, PCSOT, Immigration and more!

 Polygraph CE this summer: Refresher, PCSOT, Immigration and more!


Polygraph test in Los Angeles

 Polygraph test in Los Angeles:

This polygraph blog has had 112,000 views

 This polygraph blog has had 112,000 views:

Friday, May 26, 2023

Reno NV area attorney needs a polygraph test for a person incarcerated in Washoe

 Reno NV area attorney needs a polygraph test for a person incarcerated in Washoe

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Lie detector test in Scottsville Arizona

 Scottsdale polygraph examination for theft, relationship and more:

Monday, May 22, 2023

Saturday, May 20, 2023

This polygraph blog has had 108,000 views

This polygraph blog has had 108,000 views

Incarcerated test needed near Sacramento

 Incarcerated test needed near Sacramento

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Thursday, May 4, 2023

This polygraph blog now has had 107,000 views!

 This polygraph blog now has had 107,000 views!

Friday, April 28, 2023

Sonora CA (Tuolumne County) polygraph test needed: INCARCERATED; client is the attorney

 Sonora CA (Tuolumne County) polygraph test needed: INCARCERATED; client is the attorney

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Last night, a (310) person telephoned many polygraph examiners, offering between $3000 and $5000 cash for an immediate polygraph examination

 Last night, a (310 area code) person telephoned many polygraph examiners, offering between $3000 and $5000 cash for an immediate polygraph examination

So many 'red flags' that no test was administered.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Spring polygraph training notices releasing soon

 Spring polygraph training notices releasing soon

--annual certification



--specialty modules

-- and others


Saturday, April 15, 2023

Thursday, March 30, 2023

909 area code guy calling polygraph examiners, looking for a fake pass

 909 area code guy calling polygraph examiners, looking for a fake pass

Ethical examiners tell him to pound sand

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Coming soon: 2023 annual Spring certifications and polygraph continuing education, in Los Angeles

 Coming soon: 2023 annual Spring certifications and polygraph continuing education, in Los Angeles

Watch for your notices; meet examiners from all over the US!

This polygraph blog has received more than 103,000 views

This polygraph blog has received more than 103,000 views

Friday, March 3, 2023

Modesto - Turlock - Stockton polygraph examiner needed to handle polygraph test referrals / Polygraph test in Stanislaus County

 Modesto - Turlock - Stockton polygraph examiner needed to handle polygraph test referrals / Polygraph test in Stanislaus County

PEOA's expanding Internet coverage is bringing in more calls for same-day polygraph tests in Stanislaus County and surrounding areas than can currently be handled/

If you are a competent examiner, have a polygraph business, and can promptly handle polygraph referrals sent to your polygraph business, contact

Northern Georgia (Atlanta, Marietta, Monroe, Peachtree City) polygraph examiner needed for referrals

 Northern Georgia (Atlanta, Marietta, Monroe, Peachtree City) polygraph examiner needed for referrals

Thanks to PEOA's continually growing Internet coverage, we are receiving more requests for same-day polygraph testing in Atlanta and surrounding areas than can be currently handled.

If you are a competent polygraph examiner, have a polygraph business, and can promptly handle referrals made to your polygraph business, contact

Monday, February 27, 2023

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Philadelphia polygraph examiner needed for referrals

  Philadelphia polygraph examiner needed for referrals

Thanks to our ever-increasing web coverage, we are receiving more requests for same-day polygraph tests in Philadelphia than can currently be promptly handled.

If you are a competent polygraph examiner, have a polygraph business, and can promptly handle referrals to your polygraph business, contact

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Jacksonville Florida polygraph examiner needed for handling referrals

 Jacksonville Florida polygraph examiner needed for referrals

Thanks to our ever-increasing web coverage, we are receiving more requests for same-day polygraph tests than can currently be promptly handled.

If you are a competent polygraph examiner, have a polygraph business, and can promptly handle referrals to your polygraph business, contact

This polygraph blog has received 101,000 views

 This polygraph blog has received 101,000 views

RFP Bakersfield California accepting bids for pre-employment law enforcement applicant polygraph services

RFP  Bakersfield California accepting bids for pre-employment law enforcement applicant polygraph services

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Northern New York (Buffalo, Syracuse etc) polygraph examiners needed

 Northern New York (Buffalo, Syracuse etc) polygraph examiners needed

Thanks to PEOA's continually growing Internet presence, we are receiving more requests for same-day polygraph examinations than can me currently handled.

If you are a competent examiner, have a polygraph business, and can promptly handle referrals, contact

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Wisconsin polygraph examiner needed

 Polygraph examiner needed in Wisconsin

PEOA's continually growing Internet coverage is bringing in more requests for same-day polygraph tests in Wisconsin

If you are a competent Wisconsin polygraph examiner, have a polygraph business, and can promptly handle referals, contact

Saturday, January 21, 2023

San Diego Polygraph examiner needed

 Polygraph examiner needed in San Diego area

Thanks to PEOA's ever increasing Internet coverage, we receive more requests for same-day polygraph test in San Diego than can currently be handled promptly.

If you are a competent polygraph examiner, have a polygraph business, and can promptly handle referrals, contact

Monday, January 9, 2023

In Fresno County: a city there needs a bg polygraph test for a law enforcement applicant

 In Fresno County: a city there needs a bg polygraph test for a law enforcement applicant

Story about a polygraph examiner who lost a client due to price-gouging!

 Story about a polygraph examiner who lost a client due to price-gouging!

A potential client called around for a test for his simple immigration matter,

First an examiner told him $1000 for a test, then raised the price to $2000 when told it was immigration-related!

The client perhaps would have paid the first price, but then got spooked away by the price-doubling.

Client called around, foumd an examiner at a fraction of the price with steady experience in that particular type of exam. Tested, client and immigration attorney extremely happy. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Polygraph examiners: if you had weak calls per week in 2022, expect it to NOT be better in 2023, unless . . .

 Polygraph examiners: if you had weak calls per week in 2022, expect it to NOT be better in 2023, unless . . .

. . . you greatly increase your web presence.

If you're invisible, potential clients can't reach you.

If your competitors are coming up on organic Google searches but you're not, that's your fault.

We can help.  310 994-3501