Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Northern New York (Buffalo, Syracuse etc) polygraph examiners needed

 Northern New York (Buffalo, Syracuse etc) polygraph examiners needed

Thanks to PEOA's continually growing Internet presence, we are receiving more requests for same-day polygraph examinations than can me currently handled.

If you are a competent examiner, have a polygraph business, and can promptly handle referrals, contact peoamail@aol.com

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Wisconsin polygraph examiner needed

 Polygraph examiner needed in Wisconsin

PEOA's continually growing Internet coverage is bringing in more requests for same-day polygraph tests in Wisconsin

If you are a competent Wisconsin polygraph examiner, have a polygraph business, and can promptly handle referals, contact peoamail@aol.com

Saturday, January 21, 2023

San Diego Polygraph examiner needed

 Polygraph examiner needed in San Diego area

Thanks to PEOA's ever increasing Internet coverage, we receive more requests for same-day polygraph test in San Diego than can currently be handled promptly.

If you are a competent polygraph examiner, have a polygraph business, and can promptly handle referrals, contact peoamail@aol.com

Monday, January 9, 2023

In Fresno County: a city there needs a bg polygraph test for a law enforcement applicant

 In Fresno County: a city there needs a bg polygraph test for a law enforcement applicant


Story about a polygraph examiner who lost a client due to price-gouging!

 Story about a polygraph examiner who lost a client due to price-gouging!

A potential client called around for a test for his simple immigration matter,

First an examiner told him $1000 for a test, then raised the price to $2000 when told it was immigration-related!

The client perhaps would have paid the first price, but then got spooked away by the price-doubling.

Client called around, foumd an examiner at a fraction of the price with steady experience in that particular type of exam. Tested, client and immigration attorney extremely happy. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Polygraph examiners: if you had weak calls per week in 2022, expect it to NOT be better in 2023, unless . . .

 Polygraph examiners: if you had weak calls per week in 2022, expect it to NOT be better in 2023, unless . . .

. . . you greatly increase your web presence.

If you're invisible, potential clients can't reach you.

If your competitors are coming up on organic Google searches but you're not, that's your fault.

We can help.  310 994-3501   OnlinePresenceIn72Hours.com