Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Complaint about a California polygraph examiner: he charged $600 for a mobile test, showed up with 'antique' polygraph equipment, 'was rude', then falsely failed her on one question due to wording

Complaint about a California polygraph examiner: he charged $600 for a mobile test, showed up with 'antique' polygraph equipment, was rude, then falsely failed her on one question due to wording

(No identifiers are listed. If you recognize yourself here, correct the situation for the future. Courtesy of Polygraph Examiners Of America, www.peoa.US )

Recent past complaints: Y
Examiner gender: M

Client's boyfriend wanted her tested for infidelity; she said she welcomed it. Examiner arrived at their home, charged them $600 cash. Said he was rude and unfriendly. Examiner said she failed question "Have you seen (a certain named male) since 2015?" She tried to explain to the examiner that she had 'seen' him on 'facetime' but that boyfriend meant has she seen him in-person since 2015. She said examiner wouldnt modify the question, saying she failed. She said the named male hasn't even been in the US since 2015.

Client went to another examiner who used a modern computerized polygraph instrument in-office for about one-fourth the price. The question was properly asked as 'Have you seen (him) in-person since 2015?' She passed.


--The question wording was an issue that would have never occurred had there been a proper pre-test interview.

--Never be tested by an antique non-computerized polygraph instrument.