Friday, July 21, 2017

Complaint about a California polygraph examiner: A long-time polygraph examiner badmouths his competitors by names to a caller, adding outright lies about them

Complaint about a California polygraph examiner: A long-time polygraph examiner badmouths his competitors by their names to a caller, adding outright lies about them

(No identifiers are listed. If you recognize yourself here, correct the situation for the future. Courtesy of Polygraph Examiners Of America, www.peoa.US )

Recent past complaints: Y
Examiner gender: M

By telephone, a long-time polygraph examiner told a caller who had inquired about prices to not use any other examiner, that all others are'charlatans' that are all pretenders and that only he gives a real test.

He said about one long-time competitor "(He) is an ex-cop who doesn't know what he's doing with a polygraph" (a long-time experienced examiner). About another, "(He) is in court 4 or 5 days a week, being sued by his clients" (another  long-time examiner, who has never been sued by a client).

The caller did not do business with the shit-talker. And educated clients do not hire (un)professionals who bad-mouth their competitors.