Complaint about a California polygraph examiner, per Client: an examiner found on Google went on a ridiculous (and lying) tirade against other local examiners.
(No public identifiers are listed. If you recognize yourself here, and if the complaint is true, correct the situation for the future. Courtesy of Polygraph Examiners Of America, www.peoa.US )
Recent past complaints: Y
Examiner gender: M
Examiner ID #53410
Potential client says he was searching Google, calling examiners for prices. He said one examiner chose to badmouth other examiners instead of focusing on what had to offer himself, and told caller that:
--"If an exam is done on a weekend, it is not valid"
--"If an exam costs less than $XXX (his own quoted price), it is not valid"
--"(Named competitor) is a con-man"
--"If an exam is done by a person who was never a cop, it is not valid"
--"If an exam is done by (named competitor) it is not valid because that examiner is 'dishonest' "
--"The polygraph groups/associations/networks that (named examiner) belongs to are crummy" (yet the badmouthing examiner himself is NOT a member of ANY polygraph entities at all, not even one!!!!)
Client and wife saw through that examiner's desperate comments, and chose to use a different examiner-- the one that he talked garbage about! And they were happy with the service.
NOTE: Professionals in any business would not 'talk trash' about others. Potential client would have hired that examiner had he not chose to suddenly burst out with the unprofessional comments. But, this same examiner has had similar complaints in the past.