Saturday, March 4, 2017

Complaint about a California polygraph examiner: regarding testing while pregnant

Complaint about a California polygraph examiner-- he told client that Federal guidelines tell to never ever test a pregnant woman, yet she later found that to be untrue. Client's husband thinks she made up the polygraph refusal so then he became more certain that the baby wasn't his.

(No identifiers are listed. If you recognize yourself here, correct the situation for the future. Courtesy of Polygraph Examiners Of America, www.peoa.US )

Recent past complaints: YES
Examiner gender: M

Client telephoned an examiner in her area. She told Examiner that she recently found that she was pregnant, and that her husband wanted to know if she had cheated. Examiner is said to have told her that Federal polygraph academy guidelines very strictly tell to never ever test a pregnant woman.

Client later learned that no such prohibition exists, so she tested elsewhere.