Complaint about a California polygraph examiner: She told a potential client on the phone that if he used an examiner that charged less than her $500 quote, they would get a score of 'Inconclusive' (can't decide if a Pass or a Fail) on their test results.
(No public identifiers are listed. If you recognize yourself here, and if the complaint is true, correct the situation for the future. Courtesy of Polygraph Examiners Of America, www.peoa.US )
Recent past complaints: Y
Examiner gender: F
This examiner is the one that most public complaints are about; her lack of work causes her to lie about and badmouth competitors.
Client instead chose to use an examiner with a much more reasonable price and that did not badmouth other examiners nor has issued an 'Inconclusive' score in the last 20 years-- and this client did not get 'Inconclusive' results!