Thursday, April 26, 2018

Complaint about a California polygraph examiner: Probation officer required PCSOT testing to be done at a certain 'long-time' examiner, allegedly a friend of his. Examiner allegedly falsely accused Examinee of 'using countermeasures' and then failed him. Then it was learned that Examiner was really a new examiner, 2 years, who had taken over the practice of a retired long-time examiner. The website thus could be considered deceptive.

Complaint about a California polygraph examiner: Probation officer required PCSOT testing to be done at a certain 'long-time' examiner, allegedly a friend of his. Examiner there allegedly falsely accused Examinee of 'using countermeasures' and then failed him. Then it was learned that Examiner was really a new examiner, in second year after training, who had taken over the practice of a retired long-time examiner, USING THE LONG WELL-KNOWN OLD COMPANY NAME. There is no mention on the webpage of a new/young examiner taking it over. The website thus could be considered deceptive.

Additionally, it violated the requirement that an examinee ordered to pay for a self-test is to be allowed to choose from a list of examinees, in part to prevent a treatment center to work out a unethical 'referral fee' agreement with an examiner (see for such details).

(No public identifiers are listed. If you recognize yourself here, and if the complaint is true, correct the situation for the future. Courtesy of Polygraph Examiners Of America, www.peoa.US )

Recent past complaints: N
Examiner gender: F

More to follow here.