Complaint about a California polygraph examiner: She gave mostly inconclusive scores; client said her operation was 'cheesy'.
(No public identifiers are listed. If you recognize yourself here, and if the complaint is true, perhaps correct the situation for the future. Courtesy of Polygraph Examiners Of America, PEOA.US
Recent past complaints: Y
Examiner gender: F
Per complainant:
Client needed a test for himself, regarding pornography. He went to a woman examiner because she was geographically the closest to his home. He said that construction was occurring in her office, requiring stepping over items. Then when testing was done she told the client that she could not tell if he was lying or not on most of the answers, using the word 'inconclusive'.
Later, client wanted another test, to prove no pornography viewing since the date of the 'inconclusive' testing. He knew for certain that he would never use that examiner again; he wasn't sure that he could trust any examiner after the botched previous test. Client referred to her as having a 'cheesy operation'.
Client found a more experienced examiner and went for a test. He commented to the more experienced examiner that he had a much more professional operation than that of 'Ms Inconclusive'.