Saturday, August 10, 2019

Complaint about a Nevada polygraph examiner: charged $500 to test client himself for a relationship matter; gave false fail results but then 'offered' to immediately re-test for another $500. Other issues also reported.

Complaint about a Nevada polygraph examiner: charged $500 to test client himself for a relationship matter; gave false fail results but then 'offered' to immediately 're-test' for another $500. Other issues also reported.

(No public identifiers are listed. If you recognize yourself here, and if the compaint is true, correct the situation for the future. Courtesy of Polygraph Examiners Of America  PEOA.US)

--wouldn't use the provided questions

--was NOT the polygraph expert with 40 years experience; it was a guy with FAR less experience

--testing was in a 'converted house'

--after falsely failing me, he said I could pay another $500 minutes later and see if I do better

Other online complaints; one against the 40 years examiner defends by saying "Wrong person; was against an examiner who was renting space there"