(another) Complaint about a new California polygraph examiner: he charged her card $175 to test herself, said she failed including some 'inconclusive', offered to retest her for $200 cash, she failed again. She says she shouldn't have failed any, and the examiner told her a story about getting into a fight with another recent client (this fight listed previously as a complaint here). And still no written reports.
(No identifiers are listed here. If you recognize yourself here, correct the situation for the future. Courtesy of Polygraph Examiners of America, peoa.US
Recent past complaints: YES
Examiner gender: M
Per client: She wanted to remove doubts her husband had regarding other men. Unknowingly, she chose a newly-graduated polygraph school with a new polygraph business. She said she felt something was amiss when she saw a mostly empty office. Then