Complaint about a polygraph referral service: Client paid a service on the east coast $150 to introduce her to a supposedly 'expert' examiner on the west coast. Client arrived, it was a rent-by-the-hour office, not the examiner's own office. Client paid $400 more directly to examiner who said client was deceptive, that client (a woman) strongly disputes, about cheating during her 20-year marriage. Examiner's Eastern-Europe accent had also added to the problem. Then OUCH, the small print revealed . . .
(No identifiers are listed here. If you recognize yourself here correct the situation for the future. Courtesy of Polygraph Examiners Of America, peoa.US
Recent past complaints about this polygraph referral service: Y
Examiner gender: F
After what Client described as 'completely false results', research was done that revealed the danger of using such a blind-date type of referral service for a professional service. Further research revealed that this 'Examiner' herself only attended her first polygraph training in the last year!
But more research made the client angry.
On the multi-page polygraph referral website, if you go deep enough, it gives details about this new examiner who was referred this critical life-changing test. Shockingly, it revealed in writing:
"(Her) Total Number of (completed) Exams: Under 100" and "(She is a) Member since 2020 / under supervision of (the referral service owner), and "This member is a SUPERVISED examiner - all exams will be assisted by (the referral service owner). Further checking of the polygraph referral website revealed that this 'service' is using this trainee in many cities/counties outside of the county she lives in as their multi-county 'certified examiner referral' using other rent-by-the-hour office addresses.
Her strong accent was an even bigger problem due to her use of needlessly complicated question wording such as "Since you've been married to ___ have you touched another person's genitals for sexual gratification other than your husband?'.
Client claims that this 'supervisor' was not present. Client wants a refund of the useless $150 'match-making' fee and a refund of the $400 and feels they were ripped-off.