Complaint about a California polygraph examiner
(No identifiers are listed. If you recognize yourself here, correct the situation for the future. Courtesy of Polygraph Examiners Of America, www.peoa.US )
Boyfriend wanted client to be tested. Client said when examiner showed up after she did at the address Examiner had given her (which was a building that rented tiny rooms per partial day), he asked receptionist 'What room am I renting?' Client paid him more than other examiner quotes because she thought it would be a better test. Did test, Examiner did not use the question wording that was asked for, Client says results were false, Examiner said a report was included but later instead only sent photo 'screenshots' that mean nothing to client or to her boyfriend. Now Examiner says a written report is another $100.
APA member: unk
Recent past complaints: NO
Examiner gender: M